CMA Blogs

Dive into our blog archives, authored by our in house experts! Scroll below to read their work and deepen your understanding of negotiation, influence, dispute resolution, relationship management, and beyond.

Browse our blog archives here:

Personality: does it hold the key to influencing?

‘Personality is everything in art and poetry.’ So said Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and we know intuitively that this is true. But what about influencing? What is the role of personality in the art and poetry of an influencing conversation? As a facilitator of CMA’s Influence in the Workplace workshop, I often hear this question. […]

Confessions of a conflict avoider: four tips for resolving conflict

Ever noticed how the so-called ‘festive season’ can play out more like an exercise in conflict management? It’s supposed to be the season to be jolly but often ends up stressful as interpersonal conflict gets driven to the surface by unrealistic expectations and misaligned assumptions. At a time when many people are wishing for ‘peace […]

Mind your language: how to give effective performance feedback

Performance feedback – it’s a phrase almost guaranteed to fill managers and employees alike with a sense of dread. That’s disturbing, but hardly surprising when you consider the negative way in which most feedback in the workplace is delivered. As a learning and development professional who passionately believes in quality performance conversations, I can’t emphasise enough […]

Joint pain: how the right collaborative mindset can trip you up

It’s a complaint regularly heard by physios: “I tried to get fit but ended up getting injured.” Maybe you lifted weights the wrong way and strained a muscle, or ran too far too quickly and broke down. It’s one thing to have the right mindset, but experts know that mindset is only the beginning. Collaboration is […]

The colourful truth about working collaboratively

Birds do it. Bees do it. Even Justin Bieber and Karl Lagerfeld are doing it. Everyone’s talking about collaboration at the moment. Deloitte Access Economics estimates that the ‘collaborative economy’ (the value of greater workplace collaboration) is worth a staggering $46 billion in Australia alone. So much of this talk is focused on using the […]

Getting to Yes

When the authors of the classic negotiation text Getting to Yes* penned the advice ‘focus on interests, not positions’, they couldn’t have chosen a simpler way to describe what in practice can often prove challenging. The guideline ‘focus on interests, not positions’ serves as a powerful remedy to the tendency for negotiators to focus on […]

Emotions and Negotiation – Like Oil and Water?

Is there a place for emotions in negotiation? People often say, “I’m a professional, feelings don’t matter.” “Good decision-making is objective. Emotions just get in the way.” Or my favorite, as tribute to the Godfather, “It’s not personal. It’s business.” But bets are that you’ve sat in a meeting, fuming on the inside not sure what […]

Reflections on a recent negotiation

I am in the process of organising my wedding, and recently had an interesting negotiation over the final contract with our preferred photographer. Part of the package that they put forward included 100 thank-you cards. We had already organised to get our thank-you cards printed with our invitations, so had no need for this.

Fixed positions, shaky ground

Negotiation skills training needn’t stop in the workplace. Tyla Locke offers some advice on how to manage conflict at home – read on! Q. I’ve been having trouble resolving an issue with the builder who built my house. The house has structural issues which have resulted in a leaking roof and damage to the walls […]

Moving on from a “No”

CMA Associate Rebecca Stowe offers this advice on how to manage the dreaded “no” within a negotiation. Read what she has to say here… Q. Sometimes, despite my best efforts to understand a customer’s needs and to come up with creative options, my counterpart rejects even my best offer and decides to go with our biggest […]